
We are currently in the process of re-scheduling our speakers for the 2026 Strawberry Industry Expo. We will update this page as we confirm their availability for both the 2026 expo and for other 2025 CEU speaking engagements.

  • Steve Koike, TriCal Diagnostics. 2025 Strawberry Industry Expo Speaker

    Steve Koike

    TriCal Diagnostics

    Strategies for Diagnosing Problems in Strawberry

    (CCA: .5hr Crop Management, .5hr IPM; CA DPR: pending)

    Learn strategies in order to better deduce the reasons for strawberry disease symptoms.

    The best approach to IPM is to first know the cause of the problem. Using the tried and true disease triangle, Koike will present strategies for growers and other field professionals to better deduce the reasons behind disease symptoms.

    About Steve
    Steve Koike is a renowned plant pathologist and director of TriCal Diagnostics, a commercial plant pathology diagnostic and research company based in Hollister, California.

    Website | LinkedIn

  • Mark Bolda, University of California. 2025 Strawberry Industry Expo Speaker

    Mark Bolda

    University of California

    Insights of Cold Conditioning

    (CCA: 1hr Crop Management)

    Learn more about priming nursery plants for a supportive boost in replant.

    Research continues to look at this essential step of nursery plant production. Bolda shares what cold conditioning is, what researchers know so far, and what growers can do with the information.

    About Mark
    Mark Bolda has been the strawberry and caneberry farm advisor in Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties for over 20 years, and was county director for over a decade.

    Blog | UCCE link

  • Caitlyn Morgan, Paul Skillin, and Marta Bjornson, University of Calfornia, Davis. 2025 Strawberry Industry Expo Speakers

    Caitlyn Morgan & Paul Skillin with Marta Bjornson

    University of California, Davis

    Genetic Control of Strawberry Diseases

    (CCA: .5hr Crop Management, .5hr IPM; CA DPR pending)

    Learn about today’s genetics research to protect crop production from major diseases, including new threats.

    Strawberry production is threatened by soil-borne pathogens, particularly as fumigant use becomes more restricted. This overview of genetic resistance, in both released cultivars and those in development, addresses the four major root rots, the ever-threatening fusarium race 2 pathogen, and fruit rot pathogens, including the rapidly emerging Neopestalotiopsis sp.

    Caitlyn Morgan and Paul Skillin are masters and Ph.D candidates, respectively, under the guidance of Marta Bjornson. Morgan has dedicated her research to genetic resistance of fusarium wilt race 2, and Skillin to genetic resistance of fruit rots, including Neopestalotiopsis sp.

    Marta's LinkedIn
    Marta's @ UC Davis
    Caitlyn's LinkedIn
    Paul's LinkedIn

  • Oleg Daugovish, University of California. 2025 Strawberry Industry Expo Speaker

    Oleg Daugovish

    University of California

    New Developments in ASD in California Strawberry

    (CCA: .5hr Soil & Water, .5hr IPM; CA DPR: pending)

    Research is showing new steps forward for anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD), including new carbon sources.

    Oleg Daugovish provides an overview of ASD for pest management and discusses recently evaluated carbon sources for the practice in coastal California. This will include the impacts on soil, pests, and crop performance.

    About Oleg
    Oleg is a strawberry and vegetable crop advisor with University of California Cooperative Extension, Ventura County.

    UCCE link